On Siren Stories, “award winning UK based independent entertainment business” poet Josette Celeste shares her poem, I Did.

Written by Josette Celeste
I Did
I did it, old you.
You were right, you know. You weren’t for me and you only brought me down.
I have so many things to say, old you.

But who you were changed, and I watched you drown.
You stayed behind, refused to grow, and now I can’t share with you all the joys, adventures, and knowledge bestowed.
I did it, old you—new you said I was stupid and naive—But I found my respite, and I rest in my reprieve.
I did it, old you.
I bounced along with no plan or course of action and was lost over and over again.
But I made it here through the weeds and through the sandy oblivion.
I did it, old you. I wish I could send you a postcard to the past. Goodbye, old you.
Sleep well, good friend. Perhaps when this life is over, your flame will fire again.
More From Josette Celeste:
Josette Celeste is an American adventurer living in Wales.
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